When you book your all inclusive car hire with Drivalia you will be asked to provide a flight number and a lot of people don´t provide this information but it is really important for a number of reasons.

Obviously when you book your car hire you provide the dates and the time but by giving a flight number we know exactly when you have arrived and this benefits you and our other customers also.

We carefully plan our shuttle bus service with the goal of providing the fastest car hire at Alicante airport and Mallorca airport and when we know the flight that you are coming on we are able to monitor this to know exactly when you land, if you are delayed and plan our shuttle busses accordingly.

The perfect situation is that our shuttle bus is waiting for you when you arrive at the meeting point, or certainly there within just a few minutes and by having your flight number we have a much greater chance of making this happen.  Clients often put a time and our driver is waiting at that time when really their plane lands later (or even earlier).  This can have a knock on effect for everyone because clients returning may be delayed if the shuttle bus is waiting in the airport for a client who has not even landed yet!

When you book your car we advise you book to collect approximately 30 minutes after you are due to land.  This way the general planning is pretty accurate.  By us then monitoring your flight number we can adjust the plans according to if you come early or are delayed. The same applies with return times – the more accurate you can be the better so that we can plan our shuttle services to keep the flow of clients arriving and departing as slick as possible.  We plan our shuttle busses on a day to day basis from the hours they operate to the number of busses in operation and accurate flight numbers and return times really help.

So, please help us to help you and all of our clients by following these three simple steps:

  1. Book the collection time approximately 30 minutes after the scheduled arrival.
  2. Always remember to provide us with your flight number.
  3. Book the return time as close as you can to the real time you intend to return (we recommend two hours before your flight departure).

By following these steps you can help us to continue to provide the fastest car hire at Alicante airport and Mallorca airport and a fast service means happy customers!